Thursday, May 13, 2010

Textile lovliness, oh yes!

Hmmm... a bit of a long gap but here I am again. Still painting and creating like mad. I've recently been learning how to use my sewing machine more. I bought it ages ago and it has sat in the corner of my studio for the longest time, glaring at me whilst gathering dust. I was a bit scared of it really. Here was this lovely machine with knobs and buttons and all manner of intimidating bits and I didn't really know what to do with it. BUT.. I am braver now. Actually I don't know why I was nervous of it because it has turned out to be a lot easier than I thought. So... here are a couple of textile art pieces I finished in the last few days.

This is called 'Sunset Over Tall House by the Sea' and is 16" x 20"

And this is 'Orbital Rhythm' and is 10" x 12"


Anonymous Jan said...

Hi Amanda, I don't know what made me look at your blog today, there must be something in the air!
Great new pieces, as always, love that hit of colour.
Jan (Tokarta)

2:15 pm  
Blogger Amanda said...

Yay thanks Jan. Freaky coincidence too! Hehe

2:21 pm  

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