Rotten Christmas and worse New Year
Well it has to be said that Christmas and New Year have been pretty much the worst ever. With a global recession in full swing, art, and thus art sales are low on people's priorities. I am simply not going to recover from it so it's all change for me. Of course it will probably take months and months for my house to sell so in the meantime I am still painting.. hugging my studio close to me while I still have it.. sob. Strangely the darker my days are, the brighter my art seems to become. I don't know why that is. You would think that I would be painting more bleak and monotone art or something equally suicidal. Maybe it is just my sub-conscious desperately trying to cheer me up. Whatever it is, I am getting real pleasure from my work at the moment. Relishing the creative process while I can.
So here is a six piece that I completed a few days ago. It's called Swamp Fever.
And this one is a triptych called Bed Monster... one of my favourite titles of recent. Lol