Between Siberian spells
Obviously not a great deal of production from the studio at the moment. It's barely warm enough to get out of bed, let alone stand around shivering trying to paint unwavering black lines. Nevertheless, there have been a couple of days a little less chilly so I have galloped into action and painted as fast as I can. Two new paintings to add. The latest is Stanlow Oil Refinery.. yes I know.. strange subject but I couldn't resist all those pipes and ironworks, plus I drive by it often enough to feel a strange sort of empathy with the place. And before that I did Llynon Mill. The only working windmill in Wales, situated on Anglesey. Both peices 24" x 24".
Also I have plucked up the courage to enter a couple of paintings into this year's summer exhibition at the Royal Academy. Rather nervous of that but it's about time I had faith in my work.
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